Global Environment

Global environment is an important part for the any apps one way or other. These environment is classified into type.

This project uses django cookiecutter as its base template. Follow other setting Cookiecutter Settings to know more.

Must Set Enviroment

Remeber the intercommunication between client and server must be in secure connection.

Name Detail desciption
BM_CLIENT_CROSS_DOMAIN_N AME Domain name of the client site Eg: on hosting in github(github site) it MUST set as https://userName.github. com. [1]
Open Weather Map
BM_OPEN_WEATHER_MAP_API Get api key for the openweather website by signup
BM_DB_CONN_MAX_AGE(0mins) Setting max connection timeout for DB.

Must Review Enviroment

This enviroment is kind of option but if misconfig can cause lots of headpain.

Optional Environment

The below environment adds the given django 3rd party or local apps(which is consiter as optional) to INSTALLED_APPS.

Name Detail desciption
BM_OPTIONAL_BASE_APPS Add the given apps to base
BM_OPTIONAL_LOCAL_APPS Add the given apps to local
BM_OPTIONAL_TEST_APPS Add the given apps to test
BM_OPTIONAL_PRODUCTION_APPS Add the given apps to production
BM_CURRENT_USER_UPLOAD _CACHE_TIMEOUT(default 90) This is used to set cache time out(in seconds)
[1]For now, only one domain is allowed to set.
[2]In case many user it would be wise to set date. That is cache expires should be based on calucate date.
[4]All the class’s name(title case) under must start with the prefix of the file’s name as xXx and that value must be given as the value for the FLAT_FILE_INTERFACE.
[5]If the cahce is set for FALSE then on each the client request weather data then it fech for the open weather (air pollution[beta]).